photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I'm sitting in the passenger seat of a Forest Green 2003 Subaru Hatchback peering outside the window at Highway 237 and then back at my Macbook screen. I'm asking myself how did I get here?

Do you ever do that? Just stop and look around and think how did I get here? I'm not talking about evolution or family history. I'm talking about all the decisions you made to be doing what you are doing right now.

Ever look at your friendships or your partner and think, how? How did I meet them? Obviously you know the answer - same school,mutual friends, at a party, Instagram? But what if you were brought up in another town, you didn't go to that school or had that mutual friendship connection. What if you never made an appearance at that party or you never followed them on Instagram.

You wouldn't have them and you wouldn't be the person you are today.

You'd be spending your Friday and Saturday nights with different people. Your local cafe would be different. The inside jokes would still be there but they'd exist with different people… With people that are strangers or may as well be strangers.

You wouldn't be who you are right now…

The job you work at.. you applied for. You got abs? You worked for them. You practice Yoga every Tuesday afternoon at your local studio.. You concisely made those decisions. Them decisions being your life. 

I'm sitting here 9127 miles from my home town of Gold Coast Australia sipping on a bitter black coffee on a road trip with a girl that I met 12 days ago over the internet. 
I'm smirking right now after typing that out because it sounds insane. But you know what? 
I wouldn't want my life to be any different because I'm incredibly content with how it's going.

I remember when I was swimming in a lake that was surrounded by snow cap mountains in Montana

I went under the water
I closed my eyes
I came up for air
I opened my eyes
I felt infinite 
I was exactly where I was suppose to be in that very moment of my life.

That's happened 3 times on this trip and I can recall them all in depth. I will never forget them as it was incredibly over powering.

I've not always felt like this though. Not long ago I was miserable 6 days out of the 7. I've made wrong decisions over and over. I've lied, cheated and destroyed. Ive been lied to, cheated on and destroyed.

I wouldn't take any of it back.

Not any of it.

Because I wouldn't be here right now.
This blog wouldn't exist, I wouldn't be inspiring others or developing so rapidly.

One door closes and another one opens. 

'So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future.' - Christopher Mcandless 

Nothing is going to change. You have to make the change. Make those decisions that will lead you to… the great perhaps?