photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Monday, March 10, 2014


For many months I lived for the destination not the journey. I became so focused on the finishing line that I was failing to enjoy the journey.

I went on hikes for the destination: the view from top. I didn't care for the journey, I didn't focus on how I got there all I wanted was to be on top.

I wanted to climb those last few steps on that trail, pier over the raged cliff and feel my heart beat from my chest. Sweat to pour from my face and to be fulfilled with accomplishment for completing what I set out to do.

For me to complete that goal and hike the mountain I had to embark on the journey. The laughs, aches, elevation, shortening of breath are all the things that let me make it to the top. All those things made it a journey and without them I wouldn't have made it.

Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.You don't have to wait until you get to the top of the mountain to enjoy the view.

When in Alaska I made the best memories when I was on the side of the road with my thumb out. I made the most memorable moments when I was hitch hiking to my next town. 

Of course at the time I didn't see it like that. It was hard & it was dangerous. After walking an hour with a 22kg back pack hanging from my shoulders all I wanted was a big glass of iced water with a slice of lemon and a cheeseburger like a really big juicy cheeseburger.But I had to stand on the side of highways with my thumb out waiting for a stranger to stop. & they did. All positive experiences might I add. From an elderly lady with dread locks touching her knees giving me a zip lock bag filled to the brim with marijuana to an incredibly wealthy family from Texas picking me up in there 2013 motorhome who took me out to a steak house and ordered me a rib eye steak with mash potato and asparagus. 

That's where my journey laid. 
That's what I remember the most. 
That's what I talk about.

Life is a journey and only you hold the map. 


  1. this is so incredibly inspiring and beautiful! So happy that you're having an amazing trip, I've never wanted to travel but reading your blog makes me want to get on a plane and end up somewhere beautiful xx
