photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Monday, March 17, 2014


For the past few days I've been a cliche tourist and you know what I'm loving it! The cringe worthy poses, the camera proudly hanging from my neck and the postcards... oh I've bought a lot of post cards.
You have to embrace where you are. 

I was not going to go to Orlando without hitting up Universal Studios.
 Universal Studios Orlando!
Springfield was my favorite by far it felt incredibly surreal to dive into one of my favorite cartoon cities.

Hands down the best donut I've ever had!

Miami Zoo 

Unfortunately I didn't get any photos at the Zoo my friend and I literally rolled out of bed put on pants and left for the Zoo so we looked like complete utter shit

A little bit of back home 

I don't have much else to say I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them 


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