photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


For the past 4 and a half hours I've been folding clothes and putting them in 2 piles. To take & to store away. But to be honest 75% of that time I've been eating pistachios and flicking the shells into the trash can missing 3/5 times. For some reason I feel clueless this time round packing for a new adventure. Maybe it's because this time I literally have no plans. I have ideas but nothing is set in stone as of yet. It's hard packing when you don't know where you are going to go. I'm thinking of the Bahamas and I'm also thinking of Alaska. Complete opposite sides of the travel spectrum. My flight is leaving Friday night from LAX so I'll be in this situation until midday. Till then I will be laying here, in my clothes continuing to devour pistachios and throwing the remains.

Other then feeling like that I'm incredibly excited! I'll be in New Orleans for Mardi Gra!! Another thing to tick off the bucket list.

So I guess I should fill you in with some of my ideas for the next 3 months...

I'll be arriving into Nashville Tennessee on March 1st. Driving to New Orleans straight after collecting my luggage from the carousal. After 7 hours of buzzing on coffee, red bull and sour worms. My travel buddy - Sabrina and I will arrive into New Orleans; Louisiana. Stocking up on some groceries (for me 2 bananas and 2 packets of noodles - 50 cents a day budget) We'll then hit up our couch surfer who has kindly offered to host us  for 6 days in the busiest time of the year!Estimated 800,000 people to be at Mardi Gra! So grateful we found accommodation, I was speaking to a couple of Brazilian girls who couldn't find a host who are now staying in a hostel for $90 a night - EACH!!! Insane, the flat going rate for the hostel is usually $15. $90 a night for a bunk bed... Can't even fathom.

After the 6 days in New Orleans we aren't exactly sure what to do. Some places we do want to visit is Florida, you know Miami hit up some night life and the beaches. I'm just so excited for Florida Keys! 

I'm so excited for that drive. Blasting Island in the Sun - Weezer. It's going to be unreal. Hit up Bahamas with a day cruise then Couch Surf over there. Stay there sneak into the Resort pools. Haha seriously though, they look epic.

Yes they are sharks! 

SO basically for the next 90 days on the road we only know what to do for the next 10 days or so. That's all I need to know. Man I'm excited. 


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