Today I spent multiple hours replying to emails from my readers. 85% of the emails consisted of the same questions, so I've decided to write a post so everyone can have access to some of these answers!
Let's get this started...
First of all I wasn't prepared for my extended travels, realistically this now 370 days of travel was originally a mere 90 days...
Sooooo I was as lost as most of you are right now.
I never owned a backpack.
I never hitch hiked.
I was a virgin solo traveler.
I learnt on the road literally.
I over packed and I under packed. Clueless me lugged a 40 kg suitcase around Alaska for 2 months until I finally purchased a 50% off backpack at a family run camping store. Since then I've never looked back.
No more suitcases for me.
I find it incredibly liberating to carry everything I own on my back. The pure appreciation I have for my own strength and durability.
I definitely recommend investing in a back pack! My suggestion would be to spend some quality time at your local camping store.
[It's like a glass slipper you'll know when it's the perfect fit]
The backpack is defiantly a make or break for your travels. You need comfort, durability and the right capacity for the duration.
If you are traveling in the colder months you will usually require a larger pack due to bulkiness of gear.
Like majority of materialistic items it's reasonably cheaper on the internet. Rule of thumb - DO NOT BUY STRAIGHT OFF THE INTERNET.
Speaking on behalf of my own personal experiences with online shopping it's always a bad idea buying straight offline without trying on.
So hurry along & spend a good portion of your day trying on backpacks. It might not sound fun but I promise it'll be worth it...
You and that backpack will have some incredible experiences together.
Speak to the sale assistants and do your research!
If you find the love of your life backpack online for a portion of the recommended retail price - add it to your basket & enter your credit card details!
So now you have your backpack... what's next?
It's all dependent on your travel goals.
How do you want to accommodate yourself?
I personally use couch surfing - it's basically a global social networking platform that lets travelers link up with people willing to offer them lodging at their home for free.
I'm living proof that a single, young, SOLO female traveler can travel around the United States & Canada for over a year staying on strangers couches for free.
I do not promote hitch hiking but I do promote couch surfing. It's based upon references and your account gets verified.
I've stayed at 85 strangers houses and yet to have a bad experience.
All those strangers where just friends waiting to happen
So it sounds great but how do I convince my parents that I'm going to be ok? How did you go about it?
It's always been hard for me to explain myself. The most dreaded question one could ask me is: Describe yourself in a few words.
Since I've couch surfed I get written references from people I meet from all around the world. Telling me their honest opinion.
Majority of them use the same words even if they are typing in incredibly broken english - fun, persistent, loud, respectful - has a contagious smile...
One key thing about me is if I want something I'll go out and I'll get it. If I set my mind to something it's gonna happen.
I wanted to travel the world so I told my parents. I didn't care if they said no because I'd still go and do it.
This is my life and I am in charge of my happiness.
I wasn't happy in my hometown so it's obvious that I had to leave before I self destructed...
My parents wouldn't be parents if they held their daughter back from living her dreams and being happy.
You want to loose weight - exercise and watch your calorie intake
You aren't happy in your relationship - speak to your partner & if it doesn't change. End it
You want to see the world. Go and see it.
Take charge.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.
For god sake breathe that fucking air and live your life.
I never realized how quickly life can be taken away from you until my 17 year old friend died in a car accident last year. I know she wanted to see the world but she didn't.
I dedicate my travel to you Sam, you just didn't get the chance.
But you do. Whoever it is reading this, you have the chance. You are breathing that is a reason enough. I don't care if you are 16, 22, 34, or 68.
I've backpacked with a 84 year old & I've backpacked with a family with 2 children aged 4 & 8.
It doesn't matter if your parents aren't going to support you emotionally. So be it if you are a disappointment in their eyes.
If they feel like that it's because they have unresolved issues and expectations. Someday they'll understand & if they don't theres a time when you need to take charge of your life & let go of the negativity.
Your parents love you too much to let you explore the world?
Love isn't holding someone back
At some point parents need to learn to let go.
Who the fuck wants to surround themselves around people who hold them back? Regardless if they are your parents.
You aren't going to regret what you've done you'll regret what you didn't.What are you willing to let go of so you can live the life you know you deserve?
- To be continued -
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