2 weeks ago I was in Miami, 10 days ago I was in New Jersey, 5 days since I was hailing down taxis in New York and 1 day since I was in Toronto - Canada. It's been a busy & well traveled fortnight.
G'day Miss Lady liberty |
I'm sitting on a brown wooden chair with terrible posture and my feet up on the ledge of the window. I'm bundled up in Cashmere, jean & fleece.
I don't really have a destination for this blog post... well even in life I don't have a destination. But I'll type what's on my mind.
Lately I've been having this weird recurrence & I don't know if it's a sign or revelation of some sort?
1/3 people that I share a brief glance with looks like someone I know? Not in a we are all children of God way... I'm seriously seeing my friends, peers & acquaintances in the faces that I'm seeing?
If it's what they looked like a few years back, present or what they'll look like when they age. It's happened for the past 4 days & I have no idea what the fuck is up.
Maybe I'm homesick? Maybe I'm seeing things? Maybe I'm the star of my own supernatural series? Or maybe I'm not going crazy and these Canadians are just Australian relatives - I mean we share the same Queen?
Anyone else ever experienced this? Seriously email me!
My laptops on a sad 10 percent, my coconut water needs a refill and my blueberry granola bar is currently getting digested by my internal organs. Maybe if the other 50 people in this Starbucks hovered away from the power point and let this amateur/ avid writer a chance to charge her Macbook Pro this post could be a little better.
So I am not to blame people? It's society, I'm totally kidding.
Till then take care
Write to you soon x
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