photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Monday, March 24, 2014


It's the little things

It's the little things that I notice most in people. Do they hold their cup of coffee by  the handle or let both hands gently cradle it?Does she seek others approval when speaking or does he press his lips together when changing gears? 
How vulnerable they all are when they roll over and reach for the snooze button. 
I believe that everything we do defines who we are. The emotions that are deep inside us are portrayed in our daily life as much as we hide from speaking, as much as we distract ourselves from noticing. 

My favorite little thing is when people laugh and they continue to smile moments after the joke was told instead of transitioning straight back into a blank expression. They continue to be filled with joy moments after it's over, they look away and continue to smile as they dream of another moment. 
They are content. 
Maybe I do invest more time into the little things than I probably should... but I like to. It's something I've learned to do while traveling since I don't have history with majority of the people I meet. I have to get to know them in a short amount of time. 

By no means is it judging - it's observing.
It's who they are... 
I love getting to know a person truly based on our face to face encounter. No preconceived bullshit versions from ex lovers or prior Facebook conversations that broke the ice. 
I love that raw first encounter with someone. THE awkward moment when you don't know if you should hug, shake hands or wave, so you do a awkward shuffle as the greeting.

I love the feeling of being an anonymous in a city I've never been to before. No one has expectations of the no name traveler... 
To be the traveler that I am I had to leave my old self behind. This was my chance to let go of all the stereotypes, stories and expectations people had of me. The ones that can make or break a teenager.

The ex lovers, backstabbers and negativity have been banished. All the energy that I invested in hanging onto the past was holding me back from living. 

It took me up until now to realize that people don't judge you as much as you think they do because they are too busy thinking about what other people think of them. 

Isn't that liberating? 

To find yourself and be who you are in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is one of the greatest accomplishments of all. 

This is your chance.