photo t_backpack.jpg The tales of a not so typical teenager fulfilling her wanderlust one pay check at a time..

Current Location - Seattle Washington
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Saturday, February 22, 2014


 I just want to clear something up, I do not promote back packing solo with out appropriate planning, training and knowledge. I also don't promote hitch hiking.

I've done my fair amount of stupid shit on this hitch hiking - once I actually fell asleep in a males car and he had to wake me up once we got to the destination. That in its self is so incredibly stupid and I'm very lucky to come out unharmed.
 I've got drunk and fell asleep with a back pack full of food on a beach in Kodiak island which is home to the largest and most Grizzly Bears in the world. 

Kodiak Bear not far away from where I slept

  I also broke my arm because someone decided it would be funny to put a whole box of fire works in a bonfire at once - yep use your imagination for that one.

But I am pretty grateful for that broken arm and not being mauled by a bear.The list could go on and on... 

However I do promote for everyone reading this is to take charge of their wanderlust. Go out and explore the world. Find yourself!
If you don't have the confidence to do it solo find a mate.If you don't have any mates there are a lot of different avenues to go down...
On the 28th of February I fly out to Tennessee and I'm going on a road trip with an 18 year old that I met on the internet that was also looking for a travel companion. 
I found this girl on the website HELPX

HELPX is basically a volunteer website. Free accommodation and food for 4-6 hours work a day, 5 days a week. It's great to get into when you want to stay in a town but don't have enough money for long term housing. It's 4 - 6 hours a day and you get free food and accommodation - you are saving so much money and time if you actually worked at a job and had to pay rent, grocery bills and electricity.

You can also find travel companions on this website.

It does cost $30 AUS to join BUT it honestly has saved me hundreds & hundreds. Made priceless friendships. 
[ You can check out the profile before paying ]

I'm writing this as I lay outside on a clear Californian night counting the stars. 
I swear to god if everyone watched the sun rise, sunset and counted the stars at least twice a week society would be so different... for the better and I truly believe that.


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